Al-Hubb fi Al-Qur'an Al-Karim
Love in the Holy Qur'an
This book is a subjective Qur'anic study that was done to clarify the truth of love, which is the motive that affects and stimulates actions and sayings done by an individual in his life. Love is also the source and real drive from which the behavior of an individual is reflected against his Creator, glory be to Him, and against others around him. When it is for the man, he does not accompany, keep company with, or conform himself with anybody but the person he loves, he does not eat but the food he loves, he does not wear but the clothes he loves, nor does he read but the book he loves. A man is fully satisfied with what he loves and he fully rejects what his psyche refuses and rejects. Therefore, this book refutes and discusses the misunderstanding of love, and it studies its origins and details in the Holy Qur'an.
This book is by Dr. Abdul-Sattar Al-Marsoumi
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