General questions

Kitabi alhadef platform is specialized in electronic publishing (e-book) and does not contain lessons or training courses, but teachers can take advantage of the feature of the teacher's copy of some books in presenting lessons and explaining them to students through projection screens or lessons that are held via the Internet.

The site and the application are fully linked to each other, but reading e-books or listening to audio books is only through the application.

Payment can be made on the platform via bank card
Or through bank transfer or to POS accounts in Arab countries and Europe
Or through payment links that can be sent to the buyer by contacting the technical support number

The goal is often to use the book on the computer in order to provide lessons or hold courses, and therefore we show that the books on the platform are available in two cases:
Personal copy: Readers can use it normally without sharing it with anyone, using it outside the application, or providing lessons through it.
Teachers' version: Teachers can use it and take advantage of all the features in addition to the advantage of providing lessons and courses, with specific criteria that are detailed on a special page.

When the e-book is purchased outside the subscription system, it is available to the user for a period of ten years, unless an emergency occurs such as disasters, wars, and internet breakdowns, for example, but not limited to.

Account questions

The user can register on the platform through the e-mail or phone number, or through quick registration via Google, Facebook or Apple id

The user can delete the account and its personal information by the application (My info) page.

Publisher related questions

All publishers, authors or educational institutions can submit a request to publish on the platform via the attached link, click here

The publisher on the platform has many advantages, some of which we review with you in the form of points

- Customize a page for the publisher.
Provide all appropriate ways to communicate directly with the publisher.
View the publisher's books electronically.
Presenting the publisher's books to the target group and large numbers of readers.
- Possibility to manage special offers.
- The ability to participate in professional advertising campaigns.
- Access to reports and statistics related to his books.
- Provide high speed and interactive technical support.
- Preparing books electronically (2023 publishers only)

The publisher has a control panel for his books, through which he can modify some of the books' data, view reports, statistics, and so on.

All data that a publisher may need is available in the Reports and Statistics section of the Publishers Control Panel

Transfers of net sales to publishers are made at the end of each year, within a period not exceeding 15 days from the date of issuance of the annual report.

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