Kaifa Tahfaz Al-Qur'an Al-Kareem
How to Memorize the Holy Qur'an
The book (How to Memorize the Holy Qur'an) begins with praises by several of the best reciters. It shows the permanent preservation of the Qur'an by the Almighty, the advantages of memorizing it, and the status of memorization for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). It also shows the qualities and ethics of both the student seeking memorizing and the teacher, and the requirement of attaining knowledge for the righteous ancestors. It warns of forgetting the memorized, and reminds of the need to review the memorized verses and the importance and methods of reviewing in keeping the verses in mind.
It states the basic rules and practical methods of memorizing the Holy Qur'an, which are adopted by the prominent figures of this science, and fully explains them. It also mentions more than twenty ways in how to memorize, addresses the difficulties and shows how to overcome them, and recommends special and general tips for the students seeking memorizing and others, so that neither the old nor the youth would do without them.
This book is by the author, Dr. Yahya Al-Ghawthani, "may God protect him".
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